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16th July 2021 Newsletter

Hi all,

As always, thanks so much for coming to class/subscribing this week!


Zoom class changes

You will now receive the link to your class in your confirmation email when you book your session, rather than in an email that I send about 2 hours before the class. This means you will now be able to book the sessions closer to the start time (half an hour). When you book you get an automatic email and that will now contain the link for the session so make sure you keep that email. The link is the same for all classes, so if you come to 2 classes a week you will now be able to use the same link to access them both. It also means if you forget to book then as long as you have the link saved then you can always access the class without having to contact me. It's still helpful to me if you continue to book so please do try to remember, but if you forget then you should be able to access the class anyway! Any problems give me a shout!


Subscription - EXTRA ZUMBA!

Next week's new videos on the subscription will be: Recycled Teenagers 37 (stage 04 of routine) Pilates with equipment 14 (ball and band) I'm also going to start adding a recorded Zumba class on Saturday and Sunday too now, so from next week that will be included in your subscription too!


I'll be taking 2 weeks off all live classes during the weeks commencing 9th and 16th August. I will be doing a deal for 2 weeks of the recorded subscription for £10 over those 2 weeks so I'll let you all know once I've set that up on the site so you can sign up!


Monday night Recycled Teenagers

I'm still waiting for confirmation that numbers are no longer restricted in group exercise classes so I haven't opened more spaces for the Tuesday morning Pilates just yet as that has more people in it already, but the Monday night Recycled Teenagers class has now returned to normal. Well, not quite normal as it's still at 5:45pm, but it's now returning to pay-as-you-go and you no longer need to book online for this session. I'll bring back the 'cards' system where you can buy 6 classes at once and then I'll tick them off on your card to make it easier for people so you're not having to bring cash or do a bank transfer every week. Hopefully numbers will continue to feel safe, but do keep me updated on how you're feeling in class. If you've not tried this class and would like to join us then either get in touch with me for a chat, or just turn up if you're feeling ready!


Next week's Facebook LIVES

Next week's Facebook LIVES will be Low Impact Aerobics (Recycled Teenagers' style). They will be 9am on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday so do join me live if you can. If you can't join me live then feel free to catch up as they stay on the page (and hopefully in the community group too as I think I've managed to reconnect that). If you do join me be sure to pop something in the comments to say 'hi' as I can't see you so the only way I know you're there is if you comment. The same goes for those of you who like to catch it on the replay!

Have an awesome weekend and enojy the sunny weather! Wear sunscreen!

See you all next week,

Sam xxx


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